Take a look at what I've been working on!

Weather App project preview

Weather App

Built with HTML, advanced CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Bootstrap, and API's.

Coming Soon Social Media app preview

Social Networking App

Currently working on a social networking app that incorporates React Native and JavaScript.

NEXTsite project preview

NEXT Company Website

A sample website was created for a local client which was built in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and with responsive design.

Fastingtracker app preview

Intermittent Fasting Tracker App

This app helps users track their fasting and feeding times. It was built using Swift and SwiftUI.

Chicken taffyfarmschickens project preview

Taffy Farms Sample Landing Page

A sample landing page was created for a local farm client. This was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and with responsive design.

Chat App preview

Chat App

This instant messaging app was built with Swift and SwiftUI and incorporates Firebase as the database.

WarCard Game preview

War Card Game App

In this gaming app, two cards are randomly generated by pressing the deal button and whoever has the highest card value wins. This interactive card game app was built with Swift and SwiftUI.

Bullseye Game preview

Bullseye Game App

In this interactive gaming app, players try to slide a target value as close as possible to a randomly generated number, essentially simulating a "bullseye". This was built with Swift and SwiftUI.